Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Frankenstein - Fate

"I felt as if I had committed some great crime, the consciousness of which haunted me. I was guiltless, but I had indeed drawn down a horrible curse upon my head, as mortal as that of crime." (pg. 118)

There is no way that Victor is blameless. Throughout the story, he discusses fate and the creation of the monster as if it were destiny and he had no choice. However, Victor made decisions. He had a choice to do everything that he did. He has no one to blame but himself. Each step of the way, he acted. It all started when he created the creature, and it continued when he left him alone. He never even tried to give the creature the love and attention that he so clearly desired. Victor does not take responsibility for his actions until the end of the story when it is too late. Victor's decisions, not fate, created the events of this story.

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