"'I don't like it," said Lenina. 'I don't like it'" (pg. 109)
If Lenina doesn't like the savages, there's a fat chance that any other people from the "Other Place," do either. So, I'm wondering, why are they allowed to live? Is there some purpose they serve? It wouldn't be hard to squish out the people of the Reservation, and the people from the "Other Place" obviously don't have a respect for human life, so what's stopping them from just wiping them out?
Also, I have to say, I was really disappointed by these people. I was hoping they would be more like people from the 1900s, not prehistory. I wanted Lenina to realize that this was the right way to live and the culture she came from was more like slavery, and there would be a really happy ending, but that's definitely not happening anymore. John, however, is a mix of both worlds, and he's the closest to what I consider a normal human being than any other character in the book.
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