“The figure in the wheelchair was frail and contorted, and it was the voice more than anything that helped me recognise her.” (pg. 255)
What's Madame's deal? When the girls did their “experiment,” she seemed thoroughly disgusted by them. Now though, she speaks to Kathy and Tommy almost normally. She welcomed, maybe not particularly warmly, them into her home. She got really passionate about her gallery, and although Tommy has his theory, she didn't confirm what he thought. Hopefully we'll get some answers in the next chapters, but I feel like Miss Emily will be the one to give them, even though Madame was the one in charge.
The first half of the book was pretty dreadful, but I have to say I'm kind of into it now. It's not going to make my list of favorite books, but as far as books that I've had to read for English, this one's pretty good.
glad to see you're into it!